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8 Things You Can Do To Make Your Halloween More Scary

8 Things You Can Do To Make Your Halloween More Scary

Sep 11, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

Are you planning your Halloween party on a budget? If so, you’re like most people trying to celebrate this festive event, and you’re trying not to burn a hole in your pocket book. Americans like their Halloween events scary, so we’ll give you some tips here about how you can make your Halloween scary without spending large amounts of cash.

#1 A Festive Cocoa And Coffee Bar

Want to have a little fun with cocoa and coffee? Create a coffee and cocoa bar at your Halloween party that includes some candy corn and Halloween-themed shaped marshmallows to finish off the presentation. You’ll add to your theme without spending large amounts of money with this idea.

#2 Ghost Bucket Of Candy

For a fun and cheap decoration, grab a bucket, a sheet, and a bag of candy. Line the bucket inside and out with your white sheet so it covers the bucket, then decorate it like an old-fashioned ghost costume Inside of the bucket, place a bag of candy for guests to grab.

#3 Pumpkin Bowling

Both adults and children will love this fun game, which is very budget-friendly to create. Create bowling pins with white toilet paper, using ten rolls of toilet paper total. On all ten rolls, draw old-fashioned ghost faces. Stack the toilet paper rolls into a pyramid that stands up. Then, get a pumpkin and make sure it’s got a scary face on it. Let guests throw the pumpkin at the pins to see how many they knock down.

#4 Decorate With Old Wine Bottles

For a great-looking, scary, and cheap decoration, grab some old wine bottles and put candles in the top part of the bottle, making the wine bottles candle holders. Then, light the candles. The wine bottles will give off a nice touch of scary ambiance at an affordable prices.

#5 Make Cheap Scarecrows

Scarecrows are another great decoration that you can create on a budget. All you need is a pumpkin head with a scary face, some old clothes you can stuff with straw to shape the body, and anything else you might want to add to your scarecrow to create the perfect effect.

#6 Decorate With Oranges

A bag of oranges can double as small jack-o-lantern decorations, as long as you are willing to draw faces on your organs. For table decorations, using oranges instead of small pumpkins is a cheap and creative way to save a dollar while still keeping things festive and bright.

#7 Grab Costumes And Props At A Thrift Store

Instead of going to a regular retail store to get your decorations, drop into a thrift store and check out the costumes and Halloween props you can get. You’ll get a great selection and save a pretty penny.

#8 Grab Some Black Sugar

Black sugar is cheap and can be used in a variety of ways to add some Halloween ambiance to drinks and food. For instance, you can line the rims of cocktails or bakeware with black sugar for a nice, decorative effect.

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